Rainfall was near average, despite a dry winter and spring.
National average rainfall was 511 mm and very close (+1%) to the 2000–2022 average. Rainfall was above average in parts of Northern Australia and the highest since at least 2000 in several areas north of Cairns in Far North Queensland. Rainfall was below average in the southwestern half of WA, on the NSW-Queensland central coast and in parts of Tasmania. Rainfall was the lowest since at least 2000 along the WA Coral Coast and the southwest coast of Tasmania.
Nationally, rainfall was above or near-average from January until April, but the months May to October were generally dry, and for part of the country, the driest on record. Rainfall increased again in November and December. After two cooler years, annual average temperature increased again, in line with global warming. The national average temperature was 0.26°C above the 2000–2022 average and 0.98°C above the 1961-1990 average.

The annual maximum temperature measured across Australia in 2023 was 41.6°C, 0.17°C higher than the previous year but 0.23°C below the 2000–2022 average. Maximum temperatures were especially muted along the southern coast. Maximum temperatures were above average in Northern Australia but no records were broken. The number of days exceeding 35°C was 10.3% greater than the previous year. Nationally, there were on average 82 hot days: 3.6% or nearly 3 days more than the 2000–2022 average.
Nights were warmer than the previous year. The national average minimum temperature was the highest since 2016 and 0.34°C above the 2000–2022 average. The average number of nights with frost was 11% more than the previous year and slightly below (-3%) the 2000–2022 average. Snow cover was 56% less than previous year and the lowest since 2018. Total snow occurrence was 39% below the 2000–2022 average.