This workshop was organised by the Australian Water and Energy Exchanges Initiative (OzEWEX) under the auspices of the Global Water and Energy Exchanges Project (GEWEX) and the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand (MSSANZ).
We acknowledge generous support from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Fenner School for Society & Environment, The Australian National University, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science (ARCCSS) and the Bureau of Meteorology. The workshop was organised in collaboration with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN).
Albert van Dijk | The Australian National University, OzEWEX |
Clare Southerton | Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand |
Andrew Hicks | The Australian National University |
Juan Pablo Guerschman | CSIRO |
Gab Abramowitz | University of New South Wales, ARCCSS |
Luigi Renzullo | CSIRO |
Seth Westra | University of Adelaide |
Brad Evans | Macquarie University, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network |
Tom Pagano | Bureau of Meteorology |
Fiona Johnson | University of New South Wales |
Ian Prosser | Bureau of Meteorology |
Warwick McDonald | CSIRO |
Andy Pitman | ARC Centre of Excellence on Climate System Science, UNSW |
Stuart Phinn | Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network |
Tony Jakeman | Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand |
Jason Evans | Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project, UNSW, ARCCSS |